1991, 112 pp
Long News Ltd.
Long News
Issue 2, 1991
The second number of this new magazine out of New York is collected around the theme of “Mourning,” with writings and art from over 30 contributors. Rosemarie Waldrop, Alice Notley, Charles Wolfe and Homa Shojaie “On War (1988/1991), Paul Buck, Bob Holman, Diane diPrima, Wang Ping, Kathe Kowalski, Fanny Howe, Don David, Stephen Rodefer, Bernadette Mayer (sonnets), Lorenzo Thomas, William Corbett, Lewis Warsh, Chris Custer, Jerry Herron’s “The Nintendo War,” Tom Clark, Spencer Selby. Cover and other art by Sally Young.
Review in Taproot: Centered on the theme of mourning, this is a high powered literary magazine with many big guns from the New York and Language schools. Good work by Bernadette Mayer, Fanny Howe and new-comer Wang Ping. The theme got lost or I missed the point of some of the pieces. Wouldn’t be the first time.
—John Stickney
A very solid magazine of innovative writing and art. There are over forty contributors to this issue and all of the work sustains interest. I was particularly taken by Tyrone Williams’ lyrically enthusiastic “Eleven Sentences,” an extraordinary essay on a one line poem by Chris Tysh. Also of note are the contributions by Johanna Drucker, Harryette Mullen, Nicole Brossard, Chris Tysh, Carolee Schneeman, Lewis Warsh and Clark Coolidge. LONG NEWS: IN THE SHORT CENTURY is a magazine to keep on your desk and to keep an eye on.
—Tom Beckett